Home > Reading > The Daily Lectionary – May 8, 2016


Exodus 3:1–12; Hebrews 12:18–29; Luke 10:17–24

When the “the laborers are few” (Luke 10:2), the harvest can seem daunting and overwhelming. This could apply to any task or project but Jesus is talking about being disciples, sharing the good news, casting out demons, and telling the devil that he has no authority in our lives.

Many are uncomfortable with this, and ascribe certain jobs and responsibilities to particular people. We may imagine that it is a pastor’s job to do the disciple making and casting out stuff, arguing that we are just not equipped or skilled to do the job. However, the power and the skill to be laborers in the harvest lies in the power of Jesus’ name. Those first disciples “returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name’” (Luke 10:17). Jesus affirmed that he had given that authority to those ordinary people who had the same fears and anxieties we have.

We too, are sent and equipped by the same Lord Jesus Christ. We have no need to be afraid, for Jesus says, “nothing shall hurt you” (Luke 10:19). Through the waters of baptism, “our names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20) and we have been empowered to be his laborers.

Prayer: Almighty God, keep us in your grace and move us to confidently enter into the mission field of our world. Amen.

Today’s devotion was written by Heidi Punt, Pastor of Christ United Lutheran Church in Granite Falls, NC.

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  • As missionaries with no Bible College or Seminary background, our mission is to raise up disciples in the Philippines. Our guide is a book called “First Steps” where we take someone through the book and they are assigned lessons. One on one discipleship is where you can build a relationship with a disciple. You are feeding them, raising them up. Helping them along. Christ himself discipled the 12 and they all became our first century pastors, although most had very short lives after the death of Christ. The great commission says to go out and make disciples, teaching them to obey God’s word. May we continue to do just that.