Home > Reading > NALC Devotion – January 18, 2017


Isaiah 44:24–45:7; Ephesians 5:1-14; Mark 4:1-20

Over 15 years ago, I met a man whom I will call Bill. He honestly admitted that he had little if anything to do with God. As Bill and I became friends, I began to share with him my relationship with our Lord Jesus. Bill had other Christian friends who shared their faith with him, too.

A year or two ago, Bill confided that he felt drawn to the Bible and received great comfort in reading it. He began attending a church, and then he chose to receive instruction to be baptized. Last month he celebrated his first Christmas as a baptized brother of Jesus, our Savior. Bill told me that, since his baptism, he has experienced great peace and happiness, even though there has been much turmoil within his family.

Christ has chosen us as disciples—to be with him and to spread the seed of his Good News. As we share with others our faith in him, the Holy Spirit speaks and acts through us to work faith in the hearts of these people, as the Spirit wills. How and when such Gospel seed bears fruit is in our loving Father’s hands, so let’s keep spreading that life-giving seed.

Prayer: Dear God—Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit—help us to stay close to you so that we may remain faithful in broadcasting the seed of your life-giving Word. Amen.

Today’s devotion was written by H. Brian Triller, pastor of Lutheran Gospel Mission, Aston, PA.

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